Networking the Raspi with the Master
Once we get the raspicamera to publish images, we need to set up our system so that multiple machines can communicate with each other.
Having enabled the raspi camera to publish images, I have moved to set up a master/child system, where the Raspberry Pi will be publishing images to be processed by the master sitting on the host machine. The concept is not unique, and allocating the computationally intensive processes to a master with greater capacity is quite common.
ROS Message to CVImage
The master has been tasked to detect faces, the first step in a multi step
project I am currently working on. In order to process the image, we require a
conversion from a ROS image type of sensor_msgs::Image
to the opencv matrix
type cv::Mat
, which will enable us to use the opencv standard libraries. Since
the raspicam_node
only publishes compressed images, we need to make sure to
provide the proper “hint” to const TransportHints
. For this case, we can create an
subscriber as so:
cam_img_sub_ = it_.subscribe(
"/raspicam_node/image", 10, &FaceDetect::convertImageCB, this,
Once we have the subscriber in place, we can use the cv_bridge
to convert from
ROS messages to opencv Matrices. [1]
cv_bridge::CvImagePtr cv_ptr;
cv_ptr = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(img, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGR8);
catch (cv_bridge::Exception& e)
std::cerr << "cv_bridge exception: " << e.what();
cur_img_ = cv_ptr->image;
detectFace(); // A method that I defined to detect faces.
We store the image in a private variable cur_img_
of type cv::Mat
. Note that
since we are not transferring all the class attributes of cv_ptr
with the class CvImage
, [2] we need to take extra care when converting back to
ROS messages, which I will touch upon later.
Detecting Faces
To detect faces we can use the object classifier, cv::CascadeClassifier
in opencv2/objdetect/objdetect.hpp
. We need to make sure that we specify the
path to the cascade of interest and load()
the cascade. If you get an error
along the lines of Error: Assertion failed (!empty()) in detectMultiScale
check the file path was specified correctly. Faces isnt the only trained models
available. Body segments, facial parts (eyes), and expressions (smile) can be
found at [3].
The process of detecting faces has become common knowledge, thus doing a quick google search will provide sufficient background information. I particularly liked this post where facial recognition, is covered as well[4].
Convert back to ROS message type
Once we have our vector of faces, we can place bounding boxes(rectangles) around
the detected faces, and publish the processed image. In order to publish over a
ROS topic, we will need to convert from the cv::Mat
type back to a ROS message
type. As we allocated the image earlier separately, we need to populate the
public attributes in the class CvImage[2], encoding, and header. We can use the
following code to convert:
// img_with_bounding_ is a private variable that I created. You should replace
// with the image you would like to convert.
sensor_msgs::ImagePtr msg = cv_bridge::CvImage(std_msgs::Header(), "bgr8",
Once we have made the conversion, we can simply publish the message using the publisher we initiated earlier.