Streaming images from Raspi over Network: video_stream_opencv
For this particular project, I originally started off by using the raspicam_node
developed by Ubiquitous
Robotics, which handles JPEG compression on the RaspberryPi leveraging the
videocore found locally.
The publish rate tested on the Raspi was ~30hz, but over the network the
performance degrades and is unable to maintain a reasonable fps unless the dimensions are set to around 640x480. There is
also another ROS package video_stream_opencv
[1] that works on the Raspi pretty
much out of the box and provides ~25hz+ over the network as well with dimensions set at
640x480. The good thing with this package is that we can simply start by
installing using sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-video-stream-opencv
then finish the installation process by building the package.
After installing and building the package the webcam.launch
file can be
launched which will publish the following topics.
Checking the publishing rate over the network from the master computer results in satisfactory results.
$ rostopic hz /webcam/image_raw/compressed
subscribed to [/webcam/image_raw/compressed]
average rate: 31.105
min: 0.020s max: 0.040s std dev: 0.00453s window: 27
average rate: 29.865
min: 0.004s max: 0.153s std dev: 0.01801s window: 55
average rate: 29.978
min: 0.000s max: 0.167s std dev: 0.02493s window: 86